On 7/03/2006, at 11:52 AM, Jerry W. Walker wrote: Hi,
Does anyone know when, or whether, Mac OS X Server can be made to run on an Intel Mac Mini?
The read me for Tiger Server (10.4) says
Supported computers You can install this version of Mac OS X Server on any of the following computers: • Xserve and Xserve G5 • Power Mac G5 • Power Mac G4 and Macintosh Server G4 • Power Macintosh G3 (Blue & White) and Macintosh Server G3 (Blue & White) • iMac and iMac G5 • eMac • Mac mini
Sure enough, if you try to install on a intel iMac you get a warning "Mac OS X Server 10.4 cannot be installed on this machine - Quit"
You could claim that the term "Mac mini" does not specify the processor, but I think we can take it that they didn't think it necessary to say "PowerPC"
I'm sure Apple will release an Intel version as some point, but as far as I know that have not done so yet.