In the process of migrating all the data from one of our Openbase 8 DB to Oracle 9.
To do this I cloned the original EOModel and changed the cloned model to point to the new Oracle 9 DB, and changed all the column data type to the appropriate kind. e.g. char > VARCHAR2 , text > CLOB, etc
I then run my code
EOEnterpriseObject oldObject = (EOEnterpriseObject)anEnumerator.nextElement(); EOEnterpriseObject newObject = EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(anEditingContext, aNewEntityName); newObject.takeValuesFromDictionary( (NSDictionary)oldObject.valuesForKeys(oldObject.attributeKeys()) );
This works fine for all tables in the DB and all rows until it reaches a CLOB item and I get the following error:
evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn$OracleExpression: "INSERT INTO EXTERN_DTLS(personID, currentPositions, biography, qualifications, awards, professionalActivites, researchInterests) VALUES (?, EMPTY_CLOB(), NULL, EMPTY_CLOB(), NULL, NULL, EMPTY_CLOB())" withBindings: 1:2020(personID)> <main> evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn$OracleExpression: "SELECT t0.currentPositions, t0.qualifications, t0.researchInterests FROM EXTERN_DTLS t0 WHERE t0.personID = ? FOR UPDATE" withBindings: 1:2020(personID)> <main> fetch canceled main> 1 row(s) processed <main> === Rollback Internal Transaction EXCEPTION: com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCoding$Null
I have been stuck on this for a long time and am running out of ideas? All columns in the table allow for null values apart from personID that is set to 2020
I've tried changing the CLOB to BLOB and the java class to String and NSData but still no luck? Could it be a plug in problem? my java/extensions has classes12.zip and ojdbc14.jar for oracle drivers