Hi all !
I am having troubles designing a specific need. I would like to add a progress bar for long running tasks. I found that ERXLongResponse and its task could be a good thing for me (more flexible than the WOLongResponsePage).
Here is what I understood from such a process : I need to create a new editing context in the performAction since it runs in a separate thread I need to lock it
My issue is that I want to do my long task in a child editing context (I don't want to commit changes to the db but in the child ec). So I used this call : EOEditingContext ec = new EOEditingContext(childContext);
But if I lock such an editing context, I get a deadlock when my session is restored. I am using MultiEcLockManager (at least its integrated in my code in case I want to use it ;-) ) AND ProjectWonder Since I use project wonder I think my ECs are ERXECs (my session extends ERXSession)
I am a bit confused about all those locking issues.
I have nothing against just using ProjectWonder and its ERXEC, if I do so, do I still need to lock/unlock the ec (defaultEditingContext().lock() ?) in session's awake/sleep? Would I have the same benefits as using MultiEcLockManager? Does an ERXEC created from a ERXEC.newEditingContext(); call needs locking if its used in a separate thread ? Is there anything different if the call is ERXEC.newEditingContext(childContext); ? In general, when does an EC needs to get locked manually (supposing we have er.extensions.ERXEC.defaultAutomaticLockUnlock = false) ?
Thanks to anyone who could help !
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