Hello All;
I have an application that needs to be published on Tomcat. When I installed it, in the log, there was a recommendation that the Application was not in a package and this might cause issues. So I decided to package the classes.
Application Description: WebObjects Version: 5.3 Frameworks (Custom): JavaWOSecurity.Framewor
Changes Made to Package the Application: Added package name com.psgs.dwtm to the top of all java files. Modified all EO descriptions to fully qualify the classes. (Example: com.psgs.dwtm.Person) Modified the dwtm build to specify the full classpath of the application.
Issue: When I run the Application in XCode, the Application The LoginPage comes up. I enter username and password and submit the form and the page refreshes but never validates the user. There are no errors or stack traces in the logs. Debugging does not reveal anything strange.
Questions: 1. When calling pageWithName do I have to fully qualify the page name? (Example pageWithName("com.psgs.dwtm.WelcomePage") as opposed to pageWithName("WelcomePage") 2. Why has the application quit functioning? Has anyone experienced anything like this before?