Another explanation occurred to me. Do you have any custom attributes in any of the objects? Are any of them mutable (e.g. NSMutableDictionary, NSMutableArray, a custom class that you wrote)?
Yes, many of my classes have custom attributes. CatalogItem has an NSMutableDictionary and an NSMutableArray as custom attributes. I believe some of my EOs also have attributes that are references to custom classes that I have written. Could this be problematic?
Are you doing anything else, anywhere, that might be a departure from plain jane EOF? You may be doing something that appears innocent and unrelated which is actually hammering EOF. I am just trying to prod your memory.
It's hard to know. What is an example of something you would consider not plain jane EOF? In InventoryItem, I'm overridding the 'set' methods for a couple of attributes that are likely to change frequently underneath EOF so that it can automatically handle Optimistic locking exceptions. An example of something like that is below. Yesterday after some of our email, I got worried that this may be doing something terrible with regards to EOF, and commented it all out so that everything was using the default implementation (and of course this was also the case when I commented out the entire body of each custom class), but it had no impact whatsoever on the test case that started all of this, so I felt more secure that it was ok to do this kind of thing.
public void setShelfQuantity( Number newValue ) {
Integer existingShelf = (Integer) shelfQuantity();
if ( shelfQuantity() != null && availableQuantity() != null && rawPrimaryKey() != null ) {
int difference = newValue.intValue() - shelfQuantity().intValue();
if ( difference >= 0 ) {
increaseShelfQuantityBy( difference );
increaseAvailableQuantityBy( difference );
} else {
reduceAvailableQuantityBy( difference * -1 );
reduceShelfQuantityBy( difference * -1 );
} else {
super.setShelfQuantity( newValue );
setAvailableQuantity( newValue );
if ( ( existingShelf == null || existingShelf.intValue() == 0 ) && newValue != null
&& newValue.intValue() > 0 ) {
Enumeration catalogEnum = catalogItems().objectEnumerator();
CatalogItem catalog = null;
while ( catalogEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
catalog = (CatalogItem) catalogEnum.nextElement();
if ( catalog.futureRelease().intValue() == 1 ) {
catalog.setFutureRelease( new Integer( 0 ) );
public void increaseShelfQuantityBy( int numberSold ) {
super.setShelfQuantity( new Integer( shelfQuantity().intValue() + numberSold ) );
// try to save changes but check for conflicts
try {
} catch ( EOGeneralAdaptorException e ) {
// conflict!! try again on the refaulted object
super.setShelfQuantity( new Integer( shelfQuantity().intValue() + numberSold ) );
try {
} catch ( EOGeneralAdaptorException f ) {
NSLog.out.appendln( "Multiple conflicts increasing shelf qty!: " + "shelf: "
+ shelfQuantity() + ", avail: " + availableQuantity() + "\n"
+ ErrorStackTrace.toString( f ) );
public void refresh() {
editingContext().invalidateObjectsWithGlobalIDs(new NSArray(editingContext().globalIDForObject(this)));
public void successfulChangeSave() throws EOGeneralAdaptorException {
try {
} catch ( EOGeneralAdaptorException f ) {
throw f;
if ( editingContext().parentObjectStore() instanceof EOEditingContext ) {
try {
( (EOEditingContext) editingContext().parentObjectStore() ).saveChanges();
} catch (EOGeneralAdaptorException f) {
throw f;