On Feb 15, 2007, at 4:20 PM, Bruce Smith wrote: Just out of curiousity, in /** @TypeInfo Talent */ is Talent the name of the entity or the name of the table?
I think those typeinfo comments represent the Java object type which is taken from the mappings in the model file. So I think that would be the name of the entity not necessarily the name of the table in the DB.
I attempted to do what you described, but I can't seem to figure out how to... To get the rolesDisplayGroup to do it's thing you would set it's master object using the hyperlink action from the talent name.
You need to set the master object to the talent object that is represented by the name in the talent list. That would mean adding some extra code in the action that is bound to the link associated with the talent's name. There is a method called setMasterObject you can use. This method also causes a fetch if the Fetches on load box is checked.
So probably something like
would be added to the action bound to the WOHyperlink.
So aTalent is the variable you are using for the item binding in the talent list WORepition, and roleDisplayGroup is the master detail display group.
Again I have no idea if this will work since I haven't tested it, but I think my theory is sound. :-)
Kevin |