Hi - We have started the process of moving everything from xcode to eclipse this week. All our code is stored in a subversion repository and we have got things to work by simply checking in the xcode project, and then checking it back out in eclipse. Overall it's been a pretty smooth process, but there were a few oddities along the way which hopefully my notes below will help others avoid.
For info: This has all been done with Eclipse 3.2.1, XCode 2.3, WOLips latest build (, Subclipse 1.0.4, svn client 1.3.1 (not sure if subclipse actually uses the svn client?)
Getting started
Get Eclipse and install the WOLips and Subclipse plugins. Check in all changes to your xcode projects then close xcode. In eclipse use subclipse to connect to your repository and check stuff out following the notes below.
- Select the trunk, right click, select "Checkout"
- Select "Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard"
- Select WOApplication from the WOLips section as the project type and enter a project name
- Hit OK at the warning about resource conflicts
- Close the project and re-open it
- Move .java files into src folder, saying "yes to all" when asked about replacing stuff
- Add the following folders: Components, APIs
- Move all components and API files to the relevant folders
- Move any model files into the Resources folder (add the folder if it's missing)
- Commit your changes (if you try running the project now it doesn't seem to locate the Main component and the browser opens with nothing in it)
- Hit the "run as..." button
- Add a WOApplication configuration (if you want the app to use the properties file from you xcode project during this run un-check all the options under the "wo" tab)
- Hit the run button...
- Select the trunk, right click, select "Checkout"
- Select "Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard"
- Select WOFramework from the WOLips section as the project type and enter a project name
- Hit OK at the warning about resource conflicts
- Close the project and re-open it
- Add the following folders: Components, Libraries, Resources, WebServerResources (build needs them for some reason)
- Shuffle stuff about into the right folders
- Command-click on "WO Frameworks", select "Configure" then hook up the required frameworks
- Command-click on project root, select "WO Lips Ant Tools > Install"
- Once you have pulled a project out of subversion, additional files are added to your local copy by WOLips that are not in the repository. When you first commit you get a list of the files that are not versioned - add them all.
- If you make a mess and want to bin a project remember to disconnect it from subclipse first (right click project, team menu, disconnect) - otherwise it will delete it from the repository!