I'm doing a simple redirect to a DirectAction and want to add a couple parameters to the URL. I do this with the following code:
public WORedirect login() {
NSMutableDictionary dict = new NSMutableDictionary();
dict.takeValueForKey(username, "NICK");
dict.takeValueForKey(userID, "USER");
String url = "">
"login", dict );
WORedirect redirect = new WORedirect(context());
return redirect;
However, when I pick up the parameters on the other side, there is a stray "&" being added before the NICK parameter. Just wondering why?
Here's the code for picking up the parameters and printing out their values:
NSDictionary formVals = this.request().formValues();
System.out.println("login Hyperlink values: " +
System.out.println("login cookie values: " + this.request().cookieValues().toString());
UserInfoWindow page = (UserInfoWindow) pageWithName("UserInfoWindow");
String username = (String) formVals.valueForKey("NICK");
When I print the dictionary out it shows:
login Hyperlink values: {amp;NICK = ("FireBreathers"); USER = ("1004"); amp;wosid = ("a1snzyY9gzOgLCObCkS5kg"); }
When I try to retrieve the NICK value, I get a null returned. Retrieving the USER value works fine.
Any ideas? I'm guessing it has to do with the extra & value, but I'm not sure how to get rid of it.