Additional information: One important thing actually I miss to inform is, this problem is generated only when we access our application launched through Eclipse on Mac during development phase whereas accessing the same application launched from Eclipse on MS Windows is working perfect.
Hello Group,
I have some what weird problem, this problem arises only on a Safari browser on a Mac machine, there is no issue with the Internet Explorer browser on MS Windows machine.
Problem: We create a page called ReportPage and start the long response, once the calculations in the long response are complete we'll set some data to ReportPage and set this page as the _pageToReturn_ in the pageForResult() overridden method of WOLongResponse in ReportPage. On a Safari browser of Mac machine, after long response is completed a blank page is shown where as in the Internet Explorer browser on MS Windows machine actual ReportPage is shown with expected behavior and functionality.
Can anyone advise me what is the wrong am I doing here and probable solutions for the same ?
Looking forward to your solutions...
Thanks & Rgds, Shravan Kumar.M
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