I want to be able to generate HTML code from a WOComponent programmatically and insert the response into a String (to be display into a parent component).
I tried something like this :
public class ParentComponent extends WOComponent { //A WOString will display the result public String getText() { while ( iNeedMoreSubcomponent ) { String htmlFromSubComponent = generateHTMLOfSubcomponent();
... code where I insert the result of the sub component into my text ... } return text; }
//This sub component will contain component action and the result will be inserted into the "text"... public String generateHTMLOfSubcomponent() { WOComponent subComponent = pageWithName("SubComponent"); String chaineHTML = resultAjax.generateResponse().contentString();
return chaineHTML; }
But the problem with this example is the value of context().page() (was ParentComponent), who is replaced by the SubComponent (in my case this will be a problem). If I create a new Context for the sub component, I will lost my session.
Is there a way to do this or I'm better to change strategy?
Thanks in advance.
Jacky |