When you say that the "...delete action works in all cases...", that led me to beleive that the "generateDeleteURL(...)" is working as expected.
But then I read : "It is that last else which does in fact render seemingly correct. It even runs the NXComponents appendToResponse... it just won't fire its bound action."
I'm a bit confused, I thought that delete action was working in all cases.
I would need to see the "generateDeleteURL" method, and a little bit of it's context (which file are we looking at), how have you defined the bindings (if you think it would help to know that).
Actually what is I do is this:
All those components I listed get rendered. However, the Node component may or may not render the
NXDownloadComponent as not all are files, some are directories, and some are URLs. They all have a
delete action too. That delete action works in all cases, with a confirmation, etc., however, it is rendered by
the NodeComponent
So, in my appendToResponse, I check if it is a file or not and if it is I just do:
public void appendToResponse(WOResponse aResponse, WOContext aContext) {
String obj;
obj = "\r var o"+item.rowid().toString()+" = {label:'"+item.title()+"', columnString:'<td>"+item.addDate()+"</td><td>"+item.addUser().fullName()+"</td><td>"+generateDeleteURL(item)+"</td>'};";
}else if("URL".equals(item.documentType())){
obj = "\r var o"+item.rowid().toString()+" = {html:'<a href="" target=\"_blank\">"+item.title()+"</a>', columnString:'<td>"+item.addDate()+"</td><td>"+item.addUser().fullName()+"</td><td>"+generateDeleteURL(item)+"</td>'};";
WOResponse content = new WOResponse();
super.appendToResponse(content, aContext);
obj = "\r var o"+item.rowid().toString()+" = {html:'"+content.contentString().trim()+"', columnString:'<td>"+item.addDate()+"</td><td>"+item.addUser().fullName()+"</td><td>"+generateDeleteURL(item)+"</td>'};";
It is that last else which does in fact render seemingly correct. It even runs the NXComponents appendToResponse... it just won't fire its bound action.
- James
On May 7, 2007, at 10:43 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:
On May 7, 2007, at 6:50 AM, Jean-François Veillette wrote:
Le 07-05-07 à 09:32, James Cicenia a écrit :
So after refactoring my code, I figured out how to use that component, get the url from it, and embed
it in my _javascript_ YUI Treeview. Everything seems to work great except for one big confusing problem.
My link's action binding isn't being fired.
When you say the action is not fired, do you mean that the browser send a request, the application respond, but somehow the action is not fired ?
Here is the scenario:
DocumentTree Component
Node Component
So it all renders correctly and even the href that is generated sure looks correct. However, when I
click the hyperlink, it just won't fire its action method.
I doubled checked all the bindings. Is it because it is being rendered dynamically via _javascript_
at the browser level?
How do you dynamically render the hyperlink at the _javascript_ level ?
Its context / element id numbers must match an objet on the server side.
It's probably that the hyperlink component doesn't recognize the context id as itself, and so doesn't invoke it's action binding.
Please, explain in more details what you have done in the nxhyperlink component and how you play with the url on the _javascript_ side.
I think that Jean-François has identified your problem here. WO won't fire an action that _it_ did not generate a component for. Like he said, more information please.