Hello, I'm now experimenting ajax, and the forst problem comes out... probably is easy, but I need your help...
I'd like to create a nested WOPopUpButtons...
I wrote this code...
<wo:form action="$doSearch" multipleSubmit = "true"> <webobject name = "regionSelect" /> <wo:AjaxObserveField observeFieldID = "regionPopup" updateContainerID = "myProvinceContainer" action = "$doSearch" /> <wo:AjaxUpdateContainer id="myProvinceContainer"> <webobject name = "provinceSelect" /> <wo:AjaxObserveField observeFieldID = "provincePopup" updateContainerID = "myCentreContainer" action = "$doSearch" /> </wo:AjaxUpdateContainer> <wo:AjaxUpdateContainer id="myCentreContainer"> <webobject name = "centerSelect" /> </wo:AjaxUpdateContainer> </wo:form>
regionSelect : WOPopUpButton { displayString = aRegion.name; selection = selectedRegion; list = regionList; item = aRegion; id = "regionPopup"; }
provinceSelect : WOPopUpButton { displayString = aProvince.name; list = selectedRegion.provinces; item = aProvince; selection = selectedProvince; id = "provincePopup"; }
centerSelect : WOPopUpButton { displayString = aCenter.name; list = selectedProvince.dealers; item = aCenter; selection = selectedCenter; }
the regionSelect popup works fine and updates the provinceSelect automatically, but when i make chandes on provinceSelect popup i have to hit the return key to have centerSelect to be updated.
Where I go wrong??
Thank You Regards Amedeo |