Then using the following code, I'm able to create a User object ok, and it shows up in my database with the Boolean array as a Blob:
Group group = Group.fetchRequiredGroup(ec, "name", "user");
Boolean [] bools = {true, false, true};
ERXMutableArray boolArray = new ERXMutableArray(bools);
User.createUser(ec, boolArray, first, last, password, newuser, group);
However, when I try to a fetch from the DirectAction class as follows:
EOQualifier qual = User.USERNAME.eq(username).and(User.PASSWORD.eq(password));
User user = User.fetchRequiredUser(ERXEC.newEditingContext(), qual);
I get the following exception on the User.fetchRequiredUser line:
Apr 16 22:31:32 SooperSeekrit[49595] ( INFO er.transaction.adaptor.Exceptions - Database Exception occured: java.lang.ClassCastException: er.extensions.ERXMutableArray
I'm guessing it has to do with the missing fields?