Re: Copying An EO Values
Re: Copying An EO Values
- Subject: Re: Copying An EO Values
- From: David Avendasora <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 10:30:26 -0400
I misstated how to call the duplicate() method.
You don't actually call the "duplicate()" method I've defined below.
You call the "copy()" method that is part of your EOGenericRecord
subclass. That copy() method will in-turn call the duplicate method.
The duplicate() method just defines how the copy() method works.
Call it something like this from within an instance of your Entity:
EOEnterpriseObject copyOfThis = this.copy();
On Aug 4, 2008, at 10:15 AM, Gino Pacitti wrote:
Thanks David
Ill try it out and let you know... But looks just the ticket
On 4 Aug 2008, at 15:05, David Avendasora wrote:
On Aug 4, 2008, at 9:23 AM, Gino Pacitti wrote:
Hi David
Could you perhaps send me a class that implements this... I am
currently trying to use the same code but trying to debug too... :-(
Hi Gino,
The solution has a few parts, all of which work together so you end
up with the least amount of code duplication.
1) Get the EOCopiable Interface and EOEntityCopier Class from the
PWO Utilities Source Code. I've simply added these classes to my
- com.apress.practicalwo.practicalutilities.EOCopiable
- com.apress.practicalwo.practicalutilities.EOEntityCopier
2) Create your own custom EOGenericRecord subclass that impliments
EOCopiable. All your entities will extend this class instead of
EOGenericRecord directly, doing this will give all your Entities
the ability to be copied (you still need to do step 3). You'll need
to tell the .eogen file what the name of your EOGenericRecord
subclass is. You do this by adding a new variable to the "Defines"
section of the EOGenerator Editor screen. Variable Name:
"EOGenericRecord" Value: "MyGenericRecord". I believe the default
Velocity EOGenerator templates will pick this up. If not, let me
know and I can give you instruction on how to add it to a custom
3) Add a duplicate() method to each Entity that you want to
actually have the ability to be copied. Here's an example:
public EOEnterpriseObject duplicate(NSMutableDictionary
copiedObjects) {
// Handle circular relationships by registering this object right
EOEnterpriseObject copy = EOCopyable.Utility.newInstance(this);
EOGlobalID globalID = editingContext().globalIDForObject(this);
copiedObjects.setObjectForKey(copy, globalID);
// Copy all attributes first
EOCopyable.Utility.copyAttributes(this, copy);
// Override copied attributes that need to have different values
than the original
copy.takeValueForKey(this.routingDescription() + "-CLONE",
copy.takeValueForKey(false, IS_DEFAULT_KEY);
// Copy the relationships that must be copied as well
// This will make copies of the destination objects to populate
the relationship
// so the destination Entities must also have duplicate() methods
EOEntity entity = ((EOEntityClassDescription)
EOCopyable.Utility.deepCopyRelationship(copiedObjects, this, copy,
EOCopyable.Utility.deepCopyRelationship(copiedObjects, this, copy,
// Copy the relationships that must NOT be copied
// This will simply set the relationship to the existing
destination object
// instead of creating a new copy.
return copy;
A key thing to remember, which _always_ bites me, is that if you
add a relationship to your Entity, you need to also add it to your
duplicate() method or it will not know what to do with it. (I've
thought about adding logic to my custom Veogenerator template to be
able to create the duplicate method on the fly based on User Info
parameters defined in the model, but I haven't gotten around to it
yet, but this doesn't really reduce the potential for errors, just
moves them to the EOModel.)
Good luck!
On 4 Aug 2008, at 14:22, David Avendasora wrote:
I have implemented the solution outlined in Practical WO into my
project and I can say that it works phenomenally well. You have
to write a method for each Entity that describes _exactly_ what
you want to have happen when you ask for a copy, but once you do
that it really is as easy as calling that method and getting a
copy back.
On Aug 3, 2008, at 7:50 PM, David LeBer wrote:
On 3-Aug-08, at 6:55 PM, Owen McKerrow wrote:
Ondra's suggestion is the a good idea. Or you could have a look
at Chapter 9 of Chucks "Practical WebObjects" book, which is a
whole chapter on this very topic :)
And it requires an entire chapter because when you think about
it, it is NOT an insignificant thing to do:
- You may not want to clone all attributes for all entities
- You may not want to clone all relationships for all entities
- If cloning an object graph you may/will encounter circular
references that need to be dealt with.
Owen McKerrow
WebMaster, emlab
Ph : +61 02 4221 5517
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'The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold
two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still be
able to function.'
-F.Scott Fitzgerald,
On 04/08/2008, at 5:52 AM, Gino Pacitti wrote:
Well what I mean is that instead of
for every value in the existingeo which I want to transpose to
the neweo.
Is there a operation like -
neweo = existineo.clone();
So all the values in the new eo are the same as existingeo but
obvioulsy with a new PK..
On 3 Aug 2008, at 20:41, Ondřej Čada wrote:
On Aug 3, 2008, at 9:27 PM, Gino Pacitti wrote:
Has anyone had experience copying an EO values fetched and
in and EditingContext to a new EO in an atomic action?
"Atomic" in what sense?
Myself, I've always combined valuesForKeys and
takeValuesFromDictionary, but YMMV :)
David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
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