Hi List,
I am new to WOLisp,
Last week I installed it following this tutorial
I want to tell you guys that you have done a GREAT job, I have been working with WebObjects since 2000 and I appreciate the effort on doing an alternative ToolSet for WebObjects development.
Said that, today a tried to deploy a test app as a servlet.
I found this tutorial.
I followed it but I did not have any success.
There are a couple of things that does not match for me and I need some help.
The tutorial says "To get the recent good stuff, you can right click on the build.xml file and choose WOLips Ant Tools->Replace with latest build.xml" The tutorial was last time edited on Sep 30, 2007. So I thought that would not be necessary to do that, I installed WOLisp last week, I assumed that the build.xml generated by default once I created the New WebObjects Application should have that good stuff. I continued with the tutorial but realized that my build.xml file was different. The tutorial says that I should remove the attribute if="${never}" from the ssdd target. I located the ssdd target but something was wrong, it looked like this:
<!-- ssdd target--> <!-- To use this target 1) remove the if="${never}" statement 2) change embed=true in the woapp target above 3) create the LICENSE in your project directory 4) add JavaWOJSPServlet in your WOFrameworks build path 5) Edit the build.properties file 6) set webXML = true --> <target name="ssdd" if="servletDeployment" depends="build.woapp">
It does not have the if="${never}" attribute.
Ok, I followed the instructions "To get the recent good stuff, you can right click on the build.xml file and choose WOLips Ant Tools->Replace with latest build.xml"
and Voila! I the target ssdd looked like this:
<!-- ssdd target--> <!-- To use this target 1) remove the if="${never}" statement 2) change embed=true in the woapp target above 3) create the LICENSE in your project directory 4) add JavaWOJSPServlet in your WOFrameworks build path 5) Edit the build.properties file 6) set webXML = true --> <target name="ssdd" if="${never}" depends="build.woapp">
I followed the tutorial but when I tried to install the project "right click on your project folder and choose WOLips Ant Tools->Install"
I got this error
BUILD FAILED /Users/dev3/Documents/workspace/WOLispTest/build.xml:229: srcdir "/Users/dev3/Documents/workspace/WOLispTest/src" does not exist!
I looked at the build.xml file and found this in the compile target <javac srcdir = "src" destdir = "bin">
But My project does not have a src directory, it has a Sources Directory. The original build.xml compile target have the following
<wocompile srcdir="Sources" destdir="bin">
As you can see I am confused, does anybody can help me?
Thanks in advance!
Miguel Torres