Hi list,
We are running in discussions with some IT guys of one of our clients that are criticizing us for the use of WO.
Some of the arguments are pure rubish and not a problem at all. But one of the points they are stating is that, by the analysys of the garbage collector ,they are detecting the use of finalize() methods that, by ther judgement, is "bad practice", and harm the GC.
We don't call directly any finalize() in our methods.
Could anybody provide us with some opinion about this issue?
- where are the finalize() methods?(EOF, Wonder, ?) - how this use could affect GC perfomance? - is it a valid point "per se"?
Thanks in advance for help.
Bests regards,
****************************************************** Nilton Lessa Moleque de Idéias Educação e Tecnologia Ltda e-mail: email@hidden email@hidden