On Aug 27, 2008, at 4:42 PM, Dov Rosenberg wrote:
Would this cause a lock to be held that would bring down the entire app after awhile?
Without knowing exactly what locks are involved, I can't say with 100% certainty, but a lock involving an EODatabaseContext seems pretty central to the ability of an app to access a database. So I'd guess that this bug could cause pretty serious grief when triggered, including deadlocking the entire app.
Could EODatabaseContext.lock be causing the NSRecursiveLock to be held?
It appears that the EODatabaseContext lock is a NSRecursiveLock, and that this lock is being held by another thread that is probably trying to get a different lock held by this thread; i.e., deadlock.
Is the WO 5.4.2 the same one that came with the iPhone SDK and Xcode? I couldn’t find a download for 5.4.2
The developer tools included with the iPhone SDK include WO 5.4.2 as an optional install. WO versions are being released only with the dev tools these days, so there isn't a standalone WO 5.4.2 download.
The offending line of code in our app that was being executed was
siteList = EOUtilities.objectsWithQualifierFormat(ec, "Site", "(referenceKey = %@) AND (parent = null) ", args);
We make extensive use of EOUtilities thru out our app.