On 2-Dec-08, at 4:43 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
On 02/12/2008, at 10:22 PM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
On 02/12/2008, at 9:46 PM, David Avendasora wrote:
Do you have a .d2wmodel file in your project that has the appropriate rule in it for the list function of the AMPerson entity?
No. Though that's where I was heading next. What would that rule look like? (And would it go in user.d2wmodel or d2w.d2wmodel, which I see are the two files generate when I create a new D2W project?)
Actually, just in case I've confused the issue here: I created the new (Wonder) D2W project just to see what it would look like.
I just did the same to see what steps are necessary:
1. Create project
2. Add the following frameworks: JavaDirectToWeb, JavaDTWGeneration, JavaEOProject
3. Add your D2WList to the Main component below "Hello World"
4. Bind entityName to your EO (I used "Registrant")
5. Bind list to an array of your EO's.
6. Optionally set your displayKeys
<wo:D2WList entityName = "Registrant" list = "$registrantList" displayKeys = "(firstName,lastName)" />
I used the WonderEntity eogenerator templates and the following method:
* @return the registrantList
public NSArray<Registrant> registrantList() {
return Registrant.fetchAllRegistrants(session().defaultEditingContext());
That's all I did. There were no rule files or rules required.