Yeah, and it is my mistake to look into
WebServerResources and take for granted for what the old tool has
done. It supposed to be in app.woa/Contents/Resources after I checked
I also use filter to pull out e.g. build
directory. It took quite a while as initially no build directory shown
after each build, therefore do not know if the build is good.
For certain good reason, it is being
filtered by default.
The PC version of WO5.4 did work at this stage, but
the path name may not need to change as mentioned in the wiki. Will update
the contents after more eomodel tests.
Cheong Hee
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 6:31
Subject: Re: Put component files in
WebServerResources after built/run
2008/2/11, Cheong Hee (Datasonic) <email@hidden>:
is the setting to automagically include all the files in the
Components (.wo, .api etc) into build/contents/app.woa/WebServerResources
after built process? I have just tested with WOLipsTest and
strange thing is it could not be launched due to missing Main.wo in
WebServerResources. Once the Main.wo and related files are
copied over 'manually' into WebServerResources, it is then showed up on
Well, if i remeber correctly the components are
in Resources not in WebServerResources... BTW, to set the files in Eclipse
open the files in the woproject folder, in these files you can define rules to
include or exclude files from classes, resources and webserverresources, you
can also se the classpaths and frameworks included. If you don't see the
folder click on the little white triangle, pointing down, in the left menĂ¹ bar
(under Package Explorer) select Filters... and uncheck all the choices
(excepts Empty packages, Empty parent packages). This will show
why the it complained about the principal class 'test.wolips' not found
in bundle WOLipsTest, where it has been defined in the
Try to set a log in the Application class, maybe
it found the class later
And the
message 'NSBundle is unable to find "ExtensionsForResources.plist" in the
main bundle'.
I don't think this is a problem