I'm still having a problem with calling a Stored Procedure on a MS SQL DB. I have some additional information since I turned on SQL Logging. It just freezes after calling the Stored Procedure. No errors.
public void sendToInventoryManagement() {
log.debug("sendToInventoryManagement() called");
EOEditingContext ec = this.editingContext();
if (componentPart().partType() == PartType.fetchOneRaw(ec)) {
@BatchID CHAR(21),
@ItemNumber CHAR(31), -- GP Item Number
@QTY NUMERIC(19,5), -- Item Decrease Quantity
@SiteID CHAR(11), -- Location Code/Site for the item. Ex. WAREHOUSE
@Classification CHAR(15) = '', -- Optional Item Classification. When these are passed in it looks at
the ott_ItemClassficiation table to see what the offset account number should be
@outIVDocNum CHAR(17) OUTPUT, -- Inventory Adjustment document number generated from GP. THis field is outputted to the caller.
@outErrStatus int = 0 output,
@outErrMsg varchar(255) = '' output
String siteId = "WAREHOUSE";
String batchId;
if (usedInManufacturedBatch() != null) {
batchId = EOUtilities.primaryKeyForObject(ec,usedInManufacturedBatch()).valueForKey("lotCodeId").toString();
} else {
batchId = "BMPartUsage";
NSMutableDictionary inputArgs = new NSMutableDictionary();
inputArgs.takeValueForKey(batchId, "@BatchID");
inputArgs.takeValueForKey(componentQuantity(), "@QTY");
inputArgs.takeValueForKey(siteId, "@SiteID");
log.debug("About to EXEC [].TEST.dbo.ott_spInventoryAdjustment" + "," +
"\n@BatchID = " + inputArgs.valueForKey("@BatchID") + "," +
"\n@ItemNumber = " + inputArgs.valueForKey("@ItemNumber") + "," +
"\n@QTY = " + inputArgs.valueForKey("@QTY") + "," +
"\n@SiteID = " + inputArgs.valueForKey("@SiteID") + "," +
"\n@Classification = " + inputArgs.valueForKey("@Classification") + "," +
"\n@outIVDocNum = " + inputArgs.valueForKey("@outIVDocNum") + "," +
"\n@outErrStatus = " + inputArgs.valueForKey("@outErrStatus") + "," +
"\n@outErrMsg = " + inputArgs.valueForKey("@outErrMsg")
NSDictionary outputArgs = EOUtilities.executeStoredProcedureNamed(ec, "SendToInventoryManagement", inputArgs);
log.debug("Returned From SP Call.");
setGpIvDocumentNumber((String) outputArgs.valueForKey("@outIVDocNum"));
setGpErrorStatus((Integer) outputArgs.valueForKey("@outErrStatus"));
setGpErrorMessage((String) outputArgs.valueForKey("@outErrMsg"));
Here's the run Log:
[2008-01-30 17:09:20 EST] <main> Waiting for requests...
[2008-01-30 17:10:15,592] <WorkerThread0> PartUsage.sendToInventoryManagement - sendToInventoryManagement() called
[2008-01-30 17:10:15 EST] <WorkerThread0> === Begin Internal Transaction
[2008-01-30 17:10:15 EST] <WorkerThread0> evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.MicrosoftPlugIn$MicrosoftExpression: "SELECT t0.Part_Numbering_Code, t0.Part_Type_ID, t0.Part_Type_Name FROM dbo.Part_Type t0 WHERE t0.Part_Type_ID = ?" withBindings: 1:2(partTypeId)>
[2008-01-30 17:10:15 EST] <WorkerThread0> 1 row(s) processed
[2008-01-30 17:10:15 EST] <WorkerThread0> === Commit Internal Transaction
[2008-01-30 17:10:15,616] <WorkerThread0> PartUsage.sendToInventoryManagement - About to EXEC [].TEST.dbo.ott_spInventoryAdjustment,
@BatchID = 31041,
@ItemNumber = 02070000000011,
@QTY = 286.000000,
@Classification = Production,
@outIVDocNum = null,
@outErrStatus = null,
@outErrMsg = null
[2008-01-30 17:10:15 EST] <WorkerThread0> executeStoredProcedure: SendToInventoryManagement withValues:{@Classification = "Production"; @SiteID = "WAREHOUSE"; @ItemNumber = "02070000000011"; @BatchID = "31041"; @QTY = 286.000000; }
[2008-01-30 17:10:15 EST] <WorkerThread0> === Begin Internal Transaction
[2008-01-30 17:10:15 EST] <WorkerThread0> evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.MicrosoftPlugIn$MicrosoftExpression: "{ call [].[TEST].[dbo].[ott_spInventoryAdjustment] (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}" withBindings: 1:"Production"(@Classification), 2:"02070000000011"(@ItemNumber), 3:"31041"(@BatchID), 4:286.000000(@QTY), 5:<com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCoding$Null>(@outIVDocNum), 6:"WAREHOUSE"(@SiteID), 7:<com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCoding$Null>(@outErrMsg), 8:<com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCoding$Null>(@outErrSatus)>