(a) I send email to myself and, (b) I'm stupid until I hit the 'send' button, and then I get smart ...
So, answering my yesterday's question, Mike Schrag said about ten weeks ago, in this very list:
... Whether or not you are embedding frameworks, check your .woa's Info.plist. If it defines the key Has_WOComponents (whether or not it says true, just whether it exists), this is a bug. At some point in WOLips, the default Info.plist template was modified to include this, and it causes .woa bundles to be identified as frameworks by the NSBundle loader. Ordinarily, classes are loaded from .woa bundles first, followed by frameworks. When Has_WOComponents is set, it appears that the .woa gets lumped in with the frameworks, and it actually loads last instead of first. So delete this key and value if it's in your .woa and it should save you some pain.
Thanks, Mike, who is so brilliant he can answer my questions months before I ask them!
On Jan 30, 2008, at 11:28 PM, Gavin Eadie wrote: I'm bringing some ancient code forward to WOLips and, in the course of that, discovered a problem in my application's Info.plist:
<key>Has_WOComponents</key> <true/>
Does anyone know what this does? Is it an old usage? I ask because it seems to get 5.4 WOBootstrap seriously grumpy -- as far as I can tell, it seems to stop WOBootstrap passing control to my application. My app starts up, but WOBootstrap is still running and all kinds of things don't work. By a process of elimination, I eventually removed those two lines and all is well. I suspect my Info.plist has been migrated from the late 4.5 days ... puzzled, Gavin