On Jul 1, 2008, at 10:05 PM, Lon Varscsak wrote:
This is the connection I assumed wasn't closing, but Klaus would have to chime in. I'm using:
new ERXEC(new ERXObjectStoreCoordinator(true));
in one specific instance and calling dispose() when I'm done (on the OSC) seems to do the trick (closes both connections properly).
MMh, I need to look at dispose again. I tried hat and it does nothing at the database and gives me a null pointer exception after I fall through the bottom of the request response (ie. the log out page).
I pointed Klause to ERXEOAccessUtilities.closeDatabaseConnections which is what I believe does the trickery (called from OSC's dispose method).
Thanks. (You saw I already do that.)
But maybe I misunderstood the problem. :)
The actual issue is that with the code I have I accumulate database connections. Every session opens two connections but closes only one when the session terminates. After two sessions terminate I have two connections to the database that are not needed. The connections won't be closed until I quit the instance.
Leaving this in the application class and round robin the connection is a wiser choice since that would not kill my database with a spike in sessions or when sessions don't terminate...
I'll do more digging in WOnder to see how that's done.... sigh, I so need to rewrite my app... but that's another story.
Thanks all.