Im doing as Im thinking it can be done based on the tip you send me, it has some errors, i know. this is what im doing,
public WOComponent loginAction(){
Usuarios user = fetchUserWithCredentials();
WOComponent nextPage = null;
if (user != null){
return null;
public Usuarios fetchUserWithCredentials(){
Usuarios user = null;
EOEditingContext editingContext = this.defaultEditingContext();
NSMutableDictionary bindings = new NSMutableDictionary();
try {
user = (Usuarios) EOUtilities.objectMatchingValues(editingContext, Usuarios.ENTITY_NAME, bindings);
} catch (EOObjectNotAvailableException e) {
// Couldn't find a match
// might want to set a message variable so you can
// tell the user...
return user;
these methots are in the is it good idea to have them there?
adn second, I know that the names in the tables of a db can be in plural, but not the name of a java class, nto becuase of errors but because of convention,
so what can I do there,?? make another class cales Usuario who extends from Usuarios? (thats my thinking)
and second
dunno understand this line very well..
its not a session method ...
what to do with that methog, I understand is to assing the session to that User.
On Mar 14, 2008, at 11:24 PM, David LeBer wrote:
On 14-Mar-08, at 11:30 PM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:
WOW Hold On!!
this is what i made form what I learned from teh tutrial, I created a EOModel called UsersModel and there I create an entity called Users which contains the follwoing atributes
lastName varchar(20)
name varchar(20)
userid int PK
admin_privilege_key int
password varchar(20)
so what im planing its to give the last atribute a valor of 1 or 0 depending if its admin or client respectlyvzly
I generated the EO
which has the accessors.
I was thinkin in make a WO called login with a form with username(which it will be the id) and the password
so form there to the session.
Im assuming that I have some data already in the db.(at least an admin and a client, for tests purposes )
so if its an admin it will open a new page (wo) which will have (for now) an insert user, and all its attributes. and display all the users or an specified user.
and if its a client then... well i dunno what to display so far for the client.
What im having problem in understandin its about the EOEditingContex, like WTH is that, i have something in my mind i just need to assimilate it.
and well I wanna get the user who is loggin from the database to see if its a admin or client. so i think i must use this valueForKey(Stringkey)
and this should be in the no? just that something is telling me I must use the EOEditingcontexts no?
An EOEditingContext (ec) is a sandbox that contains the EOEnterpriseObjects (eo) you are working with. It tracks the changes, inserts, deletes, etc, and when you call ec.saveChanges(); EOF looks at everything that has changed, generates the SQL, and updates the db.
If you look at the methods listed here: <> you will see that anytime you fetch from the db you need to supply an ec to tell EOF what sandbox you want the eos to end up in.
So what you want to do is fetch the the User matching a given username and password (using one of the methods listed in that wiki page) and then ask it if is an admin and decide what page to deliver. (I don't know what attribute name you gave to admin_privilege_key so I chose isAdmin)
public String username; //
public String password;
public WOComponent loginAction() {
Person person = fetchUserWithCredentials();
WOComponent nextPage = null;
if (person != null) {
if (person.isAdmin().equals(new Integer(1)) {
nextPage = pageWithName("AdminUserLandingPage");
} else {
nextPage = pageWithName("RegularUserLandingPage");
return nextPage;
private Person fetchUserWithCredentials() {
//Probably would want to validate that both a username and password were
// were supplied here...
Person person = null;
EOEditingContext editingContext = session().defaultEditingContext();
NSMutableDictionary bindings = new NSMutableDictionary();
bindings.takeValueForKey(username, Person.USERNAME_KEY);
bindings.takeValueForKey(password, Person.PASSWORD_KEY);
try {
person = EOUtilities.objectMatchingValues(editingContext, Person.ENTITY_NAME, bindings);
} catch (EOObjectNotAvailableException e) {
// Couldn't find a match
// might want to set a message variable so you can
// tell the user...
return person;
David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group: