Hello, well in the form im creating Im generating a popUpbutton from the db, I manage to do it with the following
private StudyLevel studyLevel; studies = StudyLevel.fetchAllStudyLevels(session().defaultEditingContext());
PopUpButton : WOPopUpButton { list = studies; item = studyLevel; displayString = studyLevel.name; noSelectionString = "------------------" ;
so I will get a list with the "name" attribute, anyway I was reading the api, and I see that I have 2 optins but I don't get tehm clear selectionObject that the user chose from the selection list. For the college example, selection would be a college object. selectedValueValue that is used with direct actions to specify which option in the list is selected.
which one should I use, so when submitting I will send the "id" atrribute only to the Person table?.
Other thing that Im coming to, is that I need to register 1 or more Specialities, how can I do that?, I was thinking in put a button (link whatever) "Add Speciality", so dynamically will appear fields to choose the speciality, and then when pressing save it will save it, and so on.I dunno I guess there is a better and easier way to achieve this. what im thinkin is that I can't disaplay the specialities options in a WOPopUpButton becuase I have like 1100 specilaityes, so any ideas??
Thanks a lot