I have a weird model issue.
When I load the database in my application some entities
show up double.
For example, I load a projectDisplayGroup and I only want to
see projects that are not complete.
In my (oh so appropriately named) viewProjects class
constructor, I do the following:
Integer status = new Integer(2);
NSMutableArray args = new NSMutableArray();
EOEditingContext ec= session().defaultEditingContext();
EOQualifier qual =
EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat(“status != %@”, args);
EOFetchSpecification spec = new
EOFetchSpecification(“Project”, qual, null);
EODatabaseDataSource ds = (EODatabaseDataSource)projectDisplayGroup.dataSource();
My database does not have any duplicates in it, but my
viewProjects page shows a duplicate entries as can be seen by the screen shots
I’ve attached.
Anybody have any ideas on what could be causing the problem?
Thank you in advance,
Yury Peskin