"If you're using the 5.4 built-in plugin or the plugin from FrontBase, it won't work with SQL generation from Entity Modeler or Wonder Migrations."
That was it!!! I downloaded the 5.4 Frameworks from wonder and installed just the Frontbase framework, then restarted Eclipse, and now it generates correctly.
Is there any way this could be included with the All In one Installer, instead of having it install the out of data plugin?
http://wiki.objectstyle.org/confluence/display/WOL/Installing+WOLipsWhen I pre-installed according to the stated requirements from the Mac OS 10.5 Server DVD on a clean system:
• Around 350MB disk space
• Apple Mac OS X 10.5.2+ (Leopard)
• Apple Xcode 3.0+ Developer Tools (Included on the Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Installer DVD)
I ended up with the wrong FrontbasePlugin installed. I think for a newbie, who is the likely user of the AIO Installer, they'd probably give up.