Hello, well Im fetching some data, and I encounter here something, when I created the EOModel and generate the javaclases, I got a method :public static NSArray<WorkDay> fetchWorkDaies(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier, NSArray<EOSortOrdering> sortOrderings) { well, before I realize its third argument it;s a EOSortOrdering, I was tryin to send it a ERXSortOrdering, and then as you can imagine Eclipse complain about it, if this is wonder shouldn't use the ERXSortOrdering, what to do?
just use EOSortOrdering?, will I loss something using it instead of EOSortOrdering?
or from where I call the method I did this, knowing that EOSortOrdering its the supperclass of ERXSortOrdering.
NSArray<EOSortOrdering> order = new NSArray(new ERXSortOrdering("id",ERXSortOrdering.CompareDescending));
and the call the method fetchWorkDaies(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier, NSArray<EOSortOrdering> sortOrderings)
well let me know if actually I can fetch and sort using the id.