Hi all,
I have a WOContext that seems to be incorrectly parsing a form value sent back from a web browser. The behavior is consistent, regardless of the browser.
Mac OS X 10.5.5 WebObjects 5.3.3 Eclipse 3.3.2 WOLips 3.3.5047 Browser: Safari, Firefox, and IE 6 on XP
Details: The following _javascript_ [slightly redacted] is making a web services call from a web browser back to a WO app:
This _javascript_ is called from the following page:
For some reason, the URL (boldfaced, below) key/value is incomplete - it appears that WO is trying to parse out the contents of the URL value. (There's only one form value in the _javascript_ call but WO is parsing out the value into separate form values.)
Here's are the form values, headers, and URL from the WO app's context object:
Form values [2008-10-05 21:31:11 PDT] <WorkerThread1> Form values = {ll = ("39.084238,-76.58844"); saddr = ("21412"); hl = ("en"); mr a = ("ls"); url = "" href="http://maps.google.com/maps?fd">http://maps.google.com/maps?fd"); spn = ("0.405602,0.459366"); sll = ("39.162544,-76.568527"); t = ("h"); daddr = ("bwi"); z = ("11"); ie = ("UTF8"); geocode = (""); sspn = ("0.405151,0.459366"); }
Headers [2008-10-05 21:31:11 PDT] <WorkerThread1> Headers = {user-agent = (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)); __utma=266294495.2633809517203011000.1215279762.1223260134.1223264920.5; __utmz=266222495.126279762.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __ut mb=266293495.4.10.1323264920; __utmc=266292435"); accept = (image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd. ms-excel, application/msword, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, */*); accept-encoding = (gzip, deflate); host = (www.woextras.com); accept-language = ("en-us"); co nnection = (Keep-Alive); }
URI [2008-10-05 21:31:13 PDT] <WorkerThread1> URI = /cgi-bin/WebObjects/Services.woa/wa/services?url="" href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=21412&daddr">http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=21412&daddr =bwi&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=39.162544,-76.568527&sspn=0.405151,0.459366&ie=UTF8&ll=39.084238,-76.58844&spn=0.405602,0.459366&t=h&z=11 06079458
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to parse out the URL form value? There will be more form values passed along making manually parsing non-trivial (last resort).
Many Thanks, Joe Moreno