NSDictionary searchDict = this.request().formValues();
ListingSearch searchPage = (ListingSearch)pageWithName("ListingSearch");
Basic aBasic = (Basic)this.request().formValueForKey("basicType");
String cityString = (String)this.request().formValueForKey("cityString");
searchPage.takeValueForKey(aBasic, "basicType");
searchPage.takeValueForKey(cityString, "cityString");
return searchPage;
My WOPopUpButton bindings:
BasicType : WOPopUpButton {
list = allBasicTypes; (meathod returning NSArray)
item = theBasic;
value = theBasic;
displayString = theBasic.listingType;
selectedValue = aBasic;
name = "basicType";
The declarations in Main.java:
public Basic theBasic;
public Basic aBasic;
private String cityString; (has getter/setter meathods)
I can make it work if I change everything to transfer a String value to the next page instead of a "Basic" object which is what I am attempting to accomplish here. When I want to transfer a String value, I just set the value binding to theBasic.listingType and change the search action to cast type strings. What I don't understand is how selectedValue is brought into everything. From what I have done, I bind it to a value, but the value always ends up null when I run the application. What do I bind selectedValue to and how do I use it in my searchAction?