Anyway. I'm TRYING not to hate, but I am just not feeling it.
I liked the Maven: The Definitive Guide
It 'should' be easier, it should be talking to the 'archetype' instead of the 'wizard' to create projects, and that is all; but, that is currently broken as the archetypes needs to be updated to work with equal functionality to the 'wizards', the workarounds in the wiki are a pain. They may be fixed soon? :>)
Dependancies : in eclipse with m2eclipse you can Navigate > Open Maven Pom> then enter some jar name and it brings up related jars or whatevers. I wish here one could just drag the desired artifact into the project's pom's dependency window, but one must copy and paste info from the found pom into the project pom. Next m2eclipse? :>)
The Entity Modeler seems to have problems with the NSJarBundle Frameworks; so one must put the directory frameworks: ERPrototypes ERExtension someDBPlugin
on the path in front of the NSJarBundle Frameworks that Maven uses to get functionality like SQL generation etc. to work. Maybe that will be fixed soon? :>)
( Would this disrupt EXRMigrations? )
All in all, basic Wolips project creation, etc. works but only with workarounds as things are 80% functional. That it is so close to working, is kind of frustrating. Maybe this year it will be just as easy to use as ant.
One nice thing I do like is how dependencies are pulled into the local repository. It quickly builds up to be a storehouse of jars etc that you need to build your projects, and its got lots of meta info about those jars. In fact, if I need an external jar I look in ~/.m2/repository/ |