cc: Piere Frish - WebObjects Visionary
We noticed that our PDFkit does not work properly with the newest Eclipse/WOLips 3.4.
It turns out that when applications launch from the newest Eclipse, they have the property:
file.encoding=UTF-8 - Our PDFkit produces special characters incorrectly
previously with Eclipse 3.3.X, and still case with deployment:
file.encoding=MacRoman - All OK
Now what is the best strategy going forward?
- Force the property to always be MacRoman with System.setProperty or -Dfile.encoding=; or
- Force the property to always be UTF-8 + redo all our PDF fonts for UTF-8; or
- any ideas?
Please advice, as we want to announce the newest PDFkit 5.4.3 soon! Thanks.
With Kind Regards,
Dennis Gaastra,
Chief Technology Officer,
WEBAPPZ Systems, Inc.
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