Hello, I download some _javascript_ and CSS to make some rounded corners, Thy work in the examples I downloaded.
Now, I import them into my project, I place them into the the WebServerResources folder, under a CSS and a JS folder respectively.
I used the follwoing wo tags
<wo:ERXStyleSheet filename ="CSS/niftyCorners.css" framework="app" />
<wo:ERXStyleSheet filename ="CSS/NiftyLayout.css" framework = "app"/>
<wo:ERXJavaScript fileName = "JS/niftycube.js"/>
in the head tag I have this script and style also, (this is because Im following the examples ).
<style type = "text/css">
padding: 50px 0 0;background:#FFF;color:#111;
font: 100.01%/1.3 Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;text-align:center;
width: 25em;padding: 30px 0;margin:0 auto;
text-align:left;background: #9CC0FF url(gradient.png) repeat-x 0 -5px;
font: lighter 200% "Trebuchet MS",Arial sans-serif;color: #303F6E;}
h1,p{margin:0 20px;
<script type = "text/_javascript_">
window. style="color: #800080">function(){
when I run the application I get no error that it could find any file, in fact the gradient.png of the div#box I palce it under /library/webserver/documents , because it was telling me that it couldn't find it, after I place it there, it said nothing about it when running.
The problem is that the purpose of the JS (to make the corners rounded) its not being displayed... I dunno what can be wrong...