DEBUG [WorkerThread4] - inserted WebObject with Name 'FileUpload1'.
DEBUG [WorkerThread4] - inserted WebObject with Name 'ImageButton3'.
DEBUG [WorkerThread4] - inserted WebObject with Name 'Conditional1'.
DEBUG [WorkerThread4] - inserted WebObject with Name 'Image1'.
DEBUG [WorkerThread4] - inserted WebObject with Name 'ImageButton1'.
DEBUG [WorkerThread4] - inserted WebObject with Name 'TextField2'.
DEBUG [WorkerThread4] - inserted WebObject with Name 'GenericContainer1'.
DEBUG [WorkerThread4] - inserted WebObject with Name 'ComponentContent1'.
DEBUG [WorkerThread4] - inserted WebObject with Name 'Div1'.
One for each WOObject / WOComponent that is inserted in the main component that is being accessed. This makes difficult for reading our debug logs and it looks that it is affecting the response velocity of the application
I am not a log4j expert, does anybody know what can be happening?