Re: Little help with a qualifier
Re: Little help with a qualifier
- Subject: Re: Little help with a qualifier
- From: Gustavo Pizano <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 15:12:51 +0200
yep... one question that qual I shold apply it to a fetchWGs(qual) ?
I didn't get when you say that applied to an NSArray.
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 2:45 PM, David Avendasora
<email@hidden> wrote:
I think I may have messed that one up. If it doesn't work, try this:
EOQualifier qual =;
On Jul 14, 2009, at 8:35 AM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:
WO thanks Dave, I will give it a try right now
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 2:31 PM, David Avendasora
<email@hidden> wrote:
This uses Wonder's ERXKey syntax which I like the best:
EOQualifier qual =;
That should give you a qualifier that when applied to an NSArray of WG objects will filter it down to only the WGs that are associated with the authenticatedUser().
On Jul 14, 2009, at 7:04 AM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:
Yep ((Session)session()).authenticatedUser is returning a USER.
I know that when I try to qualify a User given a name I will gt a good qualifier..
now as Chuck said I need all TRANSLATIONSET for that given user. The relationship between TRANSLATIONSET and USER is called toUser, so Im using the
EOQualifier tsQual = new ERXExistsQualifier(ERXQ.
equals(USER.NAME_KEY,((Session)session()).authenticatedUser().name()), TRANSLATIONSET.TO_USER_KEY);
to get that.
now if I potition myseld to get all the WG that contains the TRANSLATIONSET with a specific USER I must use tsQual, so I tought I could use it from _WG but the relationship between WG and TRANSLATIONSET is a many-to-many having a join table WGxTS, and this table has no name, that;s hy I was thinking that Im in the wrong place. no?
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Paul Hoadley
<email@hidden> wrote:
Hi Gustavo, On 14/07/2009, at 5:14 PM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:
Ok this is what I did. but is not working, I have an error in the generated sql or somehting.. becuase it says
java.lang.IllegalStateException: sqlStringForKeyValueQualifier: attempt to generate SQL for er.extensions.qualifiers.ERXKeyValueQualifier (name = 'Gustavo') failed because attribute identified by key 'name' was not reachable from from entity 'WGxTS'
I guess is becaus Im trying to search in the wrong place..
It's not an error in the generated SQL, it's an error in your qualifiers. To be honest, I can't follow your model, but EOF is telling you the problem: you've tried to qualify an entity on a key that doesn't exist in that entity. Specifically, 'WGxTS' has no key called 'name'.
As an aside, earlier you wrote:
but so far what I have from the user is the name... so I will need to get the userID something like toUser.NAME.eq(name).
Yet here: EOQualifier tsQual = new ERXExistsQualifier(ERXQ.equals(USER.NAME_KEY,((Session)session()).authenticatedUser().name()), TRANSLATIONSET.TO_USER_KEY);
Don't you have the User? What's Session.authenticatedUser() returning if it's not a User?
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