For more fun and joy, I am trying to package and -- this is the important part-- run a WebObjects Wonder app in a tomcat or jetty container.
I think I am getting tripped up by the Wonder initialization in a servlet environment. (WO 5.3)
<!-- The WebObjects Servlet that interfaces between the Servlet container
world and the WebObjects world. -->
I did a svn checkout, and a maven build and I found a jar with ERXServletAdaptor. Next question:
Q 2. Should I use that jar?
In I read that "Henrique created a class called ERXServletAdaptor and it is submitted as a pending project wonder patch as we speak (or as I type, as the case may be).
I could not get the code in that patch to run as is, so I have changed it just a bit. Here is my version of the class that works for me. Something very similar to this may soon be bundled with project wonder [ or not--"As I told Henrique in his bug report: I'm not going to include this
into ERX..." ] , but for now, you can just toss this class into your project's Sources folder:"
(yeah, after you figure out javax.servlet api has to be found and added as a dependancy. )
Is that the version I should use? Is that different than the jar I got with a Wonder svn download and build? Which one?
Q 3. Info.plist Doctype? Do I have to remove that? Here it says to:
Q 4. Perhaps it is WO 5.3.3? They have the WOServletAdaptor in two jars JavaWOJSPServlet and a JavaWOJSPServlet_client ; which one? both? or is it the classpath order?
Oh, the excitement!
This is the error I always get: javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Error initializing ERXServletAdaptor: ${mainclass}
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