Hola Gustavo (et al.)!
Before trying to answer your questions (with my personal approach to the subject), I would like to have clear your needs...
When you say "Cocoa", do you mean Leopard, Tiger, Snow Leopard,...? is it important? When you say "back-end", do you mean a RDB + some common logic, or just RDB...? is it important? (I think so ;^)
I proposed to use Web Services when Leopard ß was available (and I knew that the Java Bridge was about to disappear, cf. http://strausz.blogspot.com/2006/08/on-java-objective-c.html ) and I know Andrew Lindesay has developed since then a nice "prototype"; however, I am not sure this is the right approach for all cases... Java Client is another possibility if you like (or need portability) and you do not really need Objective-C frameworks.
Another possibility is to use WO when possible (platform independent), and use an Open EOF + Core Data + Bindings in the "Apple-side" (or any platform with a nice Objetive-C compiler, for the EOF only). This implies to put most of the "persistent-objects-logic" in a very "low" level so it can be accessed by all clients; and "duplicate" the rest of the logic (Java + Obj-C + ...)
Since I am fan of Obj-C, and in its version 2.0 is closer to Java in "form" than before, I have done this and I can tell that: this last is not as hard as it sounds... I have to add that the open versions of EOF (specially Alex's one) are mature enough, even-though they need some "up dates" which I am working on.
But again, it depends on your specific needs... In principle, WO is the right choice... it's a pity that Apple gave up in its Object-C form!
One question, theoretic one . If, both, the Cococa App and the WO app, are using the same servers, its worth to make a WS to interoperate between them?, I dunno if I have made myself clear; as far as I remember form school, was that WS are used mostly to interoperate different applications with different logic and back end, so if my apps are using the same back end, whatever I do in on server it will be reflected on the other app and vise-versa no? So again my question, do I need to make such a layer with WS's ?
Dino -- Business Applied X Objects (+52-1) 55-5437-8205