Very interesting... You are right David. I have confirmed the same too.
Adding a call to ec.processRecentChanges() between the add and the remove makes this work as I expected it.
Here's the code: EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); Order order = Order.newOrder(ec); OrderItem anItem = OrderItem.newOrderItem(ec, 1, "iMac 27\" Quad-Core 2.66GHz/1TB/4GB", "1999.00"); order.addToItemsRelationship(anItem); order.computeTotalAmount(); ec.processRecentChanges(); // <--- It seems like a BUG this is needed for the remove below to work!! order.removeFromItems(anItem); ec.saveChanges();
On Oct 27, 2009, at 8:15 PM, David LeBer wrote: On 2009-10-27, at 7:52 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
On Oct 27, 2009, at 4:40 PM, Lon Varscsak wrote:
Create an Order and OrderItem and insert both into an editing context.
Then add the item to the order using order.addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(item, "items").
Then call editingContext.processRecentChanges()
Then removeObjectFromBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(item, "items") to remove the item.
Then save the editing context.
Here is the docs on that method:
Forces this EOEditingContext to process pending insertions, deletions, and updates. Normally, when objects are changed, the processing of the changes is deferred until the end of the current event. At that point, an EOEditingContext moves objects to the inserted, updated, and deleted lists, delete propagation is performed, undos are registered, and ObjectsChangedInStoreNotification and ObjectsChangedInEditingContextNotification are posted. You can use this method to explicitly force changes to be processed. An EOEditingContext automatically invokes this method on itself before performing certain operations such as saveChanges. This method does nothing in Java Client applications.
I'm struggling with how to describe why that works. :P
It should not work. processRecentChanges() is called during saveChanges() so it should not affect the item getting deleted. My feeling is that it not getting deleted after initial insertion is a bug.
I can confirm that calling ec.processRecentChanges() in between the addObject... and removeObject... calls does work. Though I don't know why at this point.