Re: JUnit testing outside Eclipse
Re: JUnit testing outside Eclipse
- Subject: Re: JUnit testing outside Eclipse
- From: Chuck Hill <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2010 16:36:07 -0700
See below.
On Aug 9, 2010, at 4:22 PM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
> On 07/08/2010, at 12:02 PM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
>> On 07/08/2010, at 1:18 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:
>>> Yes? Are you using the WO-fu of wopath?
>> I am now! Thanks Chuck.
> Now I'm testing a framework that contains some EOs. Again, this is using Ant + JUnit, and outside of Eclipse. Inside Eclipse, I don't seem to have to do much at all in the way of setting things up to get the model loaded. In fact, it seems to happen somewhat magically, and I just provide a dummy connection dictionary for the model in a @BeforeClass method, and point it at an (empty) in-memory H2 database.
> From the command line (and in Hudson) I get this:
> [junit] Attempt to insert null into an
> [junit] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attempt to insert null into an
> [junit] at
> [junit] at com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOModelGroup.modelGroupForLoadedBundles(
> [junit] at com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOModelGroup.globalModelGroup(
> [junit] at com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOModelGroup.defaultGroup(
> [junit] at net.logicsquad.webobjects.core.LSEOModelUtils.setUpDatabaseConnectionForModel(Unknown Source)
> [junit] at net.logicsquad.pbf.tests.model.ModelTest.setUp(Unknown Source)
> [junit] at net.logicsquad.pbf.tests.model.bookings.BookingsModelTest.setUp(Unknown Source)
> Some Googling lead me to believe that this is a symptom of the main bundle not being loaded, and, indeed, NSBundle.mainBundle() returns null. Is it obvious what I'm doing wrong here? I'm using the same Ant targets (appended below) as I am for a different framework projects (i.e., neither of them are applications), the only difference here is that I am trying to load an EOModel.
> ---
> <!-- JUnit testing -->
> <property name="src.tests" value="Tests" />
> <property name="bin.tests" value="bin-tests" />
> <property name="junit.results" value="junit-results" />
> <property name="" value="junit-report" />
> <target name="clean.tests">
> <delete dir="${bin.tests}" />
> <delete dir="${junit.results}" />
> <delete dir="${}" />
> </target>
> <typedef name="wopath" classname="org.objectstyle.woproject.ant.WOPath" />
> <wopath id="testing.classpath">
> <frameworks root="User" eclipse="true" />
> <frameworks root="Local" eclipse="true" />
> <frameworks root="System" eclipse="true" />
> </wopath>
> <target name="compile.tests">
> <mkdir dir="${bin.tests}" />
> <javac srcdir="${src.tests}" destdir="${bin.tests}">
> <classpath refid="testing.classpath" />
> <classpath>
> <pathelement location="bin" />
> </classpath>
> </javac>
> </target>
> <target name="junit" depends="compile.tests">
> <mkdir dir="junit-results" />
> <junit haltonfailure="false"
> printsummary="true"
> failureproperty="test.failed">
You need to add dir to the junit task. e.g.
<junit dir="${}" ...
Where the directory depends on the project type:
<!-- Initialize properties that depend on build type (build or install) with values unique to applications -->
<target name="set_application_build_properties" depends="" if="" >
<property name="build.product.dir" value="${dest.dir}${file.separator}${}.woa"/>
<property name="installed.product.dir" value="${install.dir}${file.separator}${}.woa"/>
<property name="" value="${build.product.dir}"/>
<property name="" value="${build.product.dir}${file.separator}Contents${file.separator}Resources${file.separator}Java"/>
<!-- Initialize properties that depend on build type (build or install) with values unique to frameworks -->
<target name="set_framework_build_properties" depends="" if="is.wo.framework" >
<property name="build.product.dir" value="${dest.dir}${file.separator}${}.framework"/>
<property name="installed.product.dir" value="${install.dir}${file.separator}${}.framework"/>
<!-- Use the installed location as that will be populated for regular and install builds -->
<property name="" value="${install.dir}${file.separator}${}.framework${file.separator}Resources${file.separator}Java"/>
<property name="" value="${}"/>
> <classpath refid="testing.classpath" />
> <classpath>
> <pathelement location="bin" />
> <pathelement location="${junit.jar}" />
> <pathelement location="${bin.tests}" />
> </classpath>
> <formatter type="brief" usefile="false" />
> <formatter type="xml" />
> <batchtest todir="${junit.results}">
> <fileset dir="${bin.tests}" includes="**/ClinicalDetailsTest.class" />
> </batchtest>
> </junit>
> <mkdir dir="${}" />
> <junitreport todir="${}">
> <fileset dir="${junit.results}">
> <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
> </fileset>
> <report format="frames" todir="${}"/>
> </junitreport>
> <fail if="test.failed"/>
> </target>
> ---
> --
> Paul.
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Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development
Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.
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