I am not sure how you have it all set up. But this is how we do it:
(WO_Dudes: can someone confirm that I have this right, I don't want to give out dodgy advice)
(Also, is there a good online guide to "Getting yer head around all this"?)
Basically, in WO, everything is structure like this. You have:
1) WebObjects Frameworks (generic functionality that can be used by other 'WO Frameworks' or many 'WO Applications')
- Consists of Jars / Components / Other Resources / Models / References to other Frameworks
- NOT Run-able
- WO Frameworks are creating using <File> : <New> : <WebObjects Framework> (or 'Wonder Framework')
2) WebObjects Applications
- Consists of Jars / Components / Other Resources / References to other Frameworks
- Includes Application.java, Session.java, ...
- Run-able
- WO Applications are creating using <File> : <New> : <WebObjects Application> (or 'Wonder Application')
- You have to add all the Frameworks manually (+ the Frameworks that they reference) into the 'Library' section
(at least you do in the version of Eclipse/WOLips that we use)
(Note: You can add in references to other JARs in the 'Library' section too. Although we have tended to put them all into a special WO Framework (in our case AEJars.framework))
(Also, if you are not using 'Wonder', you should probably have a look at it.)
This is how we do it, but it does not necessarily mean it is the best way (but it works for us)
You might have to go back to the 'mailing list' to get more help.
On 12 Aug 2010, at 10:59, vaibhav srivastava wrote:
what will be that framework ?? because permissionWrapper is in some PermClient project which is not coming under framewrok when i tried to add it .Regards
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Mark Gowdy
<email@hidden> wrote:
This is what one of mine looks like:
You may have to add in the frameworks that your application uses in here (by clicking 'Add Library', and selecting the relevant frameworks).
<pastedGraphic.png>On 12 Aug 2010, at 10:00, vaibhav srivastava wrote:
Please find the attached document
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Mark Gowdy
<email@hidden> wrote:
On 12 Aug 2010, at 08:36, vaibhav srivastava wrote:
Right-click on your 'Ptm' project in Eclipse, click on 'Properties'
Select 'Java Build Path'
Select 'Libraries' tab
You forgot to select the 'Libraries' tab.
Send me a screen shot here.
Don't go as far as clicking 'Add' (just yet).
I wanted to see what libraries/frameworks this project already has.
Right-click on your 'Ptm' project in Eclipse, click on 'Properties'
Select 'Java Build Path'
Select 'Libraries' tab
<Take Screenshot>