I have an app with a D2W component which is having issues deleting. Specifically, I have two entities relevant Booking and Performance which are related. Booking has a to-one to Performance. (Performance has a to-many to Booking) A Booking is essentially a Performance on a particular event date. So If I have Jerry Seinfeld this weekend, I'd have a Booking for Dec 3, and another for Dec 4. When we attempted to add some bookings for the weekend, the user added three bookings for Jerry on Dec 3, and when we tried to delete them, we got this:
com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOGeneralAdaptorException: lockRowComparingAttributes -- com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCChannel: lock operation locked more than one row |
The model for the Booking entity has a bookingid, a performanceid and an eventDate. They were all used for locking. I deleted the performanceid from the attributes for locking entry in the plist, and eliminated the old entry in jdbc2info (for a no longer active db connection) but I still get this error. I also removed the locking on eventDate, to no avail.
In the short term, I'd be happy enough to simply delete them out of the database, but I've always thought doing that through WO was greatly preferred and would potentially avoid major issues, and in any event, D2W presumably should not be doing this.
Any ideas?
Recently updated wonder (5.4 branch) running on a mac, 10.6.
Andrew |