I am again attempting to use D2W for the admin portion of an existing app.
Basically, I have an existing site, and wanted to add an admin link to the home page navigation bar, based on whether the user has logged in and has admin privileges. When the user clicks on the link, I want to load a D2W generated admin component into the AjaxUpdate area for the content. Seems all fairly simple and straight forward.
I created a new framework, copied the ERModernSkin WSR into its WSR, added er.modern.look.skinframework = MySitesERModernSkinFramework to its (i.e. the skin framework's) properties then added the framework to my app. I also added ERD2W's framework, etc. to the app.
I also created a NavigationMenu.plist, based on the one in ERModernMoviesDemo, and modified it to present my entities, modified the session to present my navController and created actions appropriate to it within it.
Now however, first, none of the ERModernLook css is loading, but I figure I can fix that later. The big problem is I can click the link and get a ul of the entities, but when I click an entity link, I get this error:
com.webobjects.appserver._private.WODynamicElementCreationException: : cannot find component or dynamic element named PageWrapper | |
I don't have a component named PageWrapper (ERModernMoviesDemo does), I perform that function in my "Main" component. I searched the ERModernMoviesDemo and found no references to PageWrapper in it, other than in the class itself.
Is there someplace I can globally change a setting to point to my Main component? Is this going to work like this at all? The ERModernMoviesDemo is obviously a self-contained app, and not a subcomponent within another app that has its own custom html and css.
Any assistance would be appreciated.