1. I have an 'Invoice' entity with a 'number' attribute. The attribute's type is VARCHAR. This is completely intentional, as the client may want the "number" to contain letters at some point. (Pretend the attribute name is "identifier" if it hurts your brain. :-)
2. I want to display the Invoice objects in a WODisplayGroup in a custom order. At the moment, that order is simple: all values for Invoice.number are currently actual numbers. So, for now, I want to cast them to integers, and sort them numerically. (This may change later, as letters may be appended.)
3. Using a standard (array of) EOSortOrdering (Invoice.NUMBER.ascs()), the "numbers" are obviously sorted in ASCII order. {1, 10, 11, 2...} For now, what I want is {1, 2, 3, ... 10, 11, ...}.