I have the following AJAX component that seems to work only part of the time.
When it doesn't work, the container disappears. When I refresh the screen, it
usually works the first time and then maybe the second or third.. it gives me the
blank screen of death.
<webobject name = "RatingsUpdateContainer">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<th colspan="3" scope="col">
<div class="edit">
<webobject name = "AddRatingsOpener" >Add</webobject>
<webobject name = "RepetitionRatings">
<td class="icon"><webobject name = "DeleteRatingRow"><img src="/images/cancel-red.png" alt="delete rating" width="12" height="12" border="0" /></webobject></td>
<td class="icon"><webobject name = "EditRatingsOpener" ><img src="/images/edit.png" alt="demote rating" width="12" height="12" border="0" /></webobject></td>
<td class="description"><webobject name = "RatingName" /></td>
</webobject name = "RepetitionRatings">
</webobject name = "RatingsUpdateContainer">
<webobject name="RatingAddActionBox">
<webobject name="AddRatingForm">
<webobject name = "RatingsNameField" />
<webobject name = "RatingsSubmitButton" />
<webobject name="RatingEditActionBox">
<webobject name="RatingForm">
<webobject name = "RatingsEditNameField" />
<webobject name = "RatingsEditSubmitButton" />
<webobject name="RatingConfirmDeleteBox">
<webobject name="RatingDeleteForm">
<webobject name = "RatingsShowNameField" />
<webobject name = "RatingsDeleteSubmitButton" />