On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Larry Mills-Gahl
<email@hidden> wrote:
I am having difficulty finding out why getResource and
getClassLoader().getResource will not work as expected in my WO app. I
want to load some XSLT from a jar on the classpath so that I can keep
the versions of the transform the same between command line tools and
the web application. I don't want to have a duplicate where
application().resourceManager() can get it and I don't want to have to
teach the command line utilities about the location of WO resouces
(since they already can find it on the classpath)
If someone can nudge me in the right direction or point me toward some
documentation (or perhaps the proper incantation to please the resource
gods) I would appreciate it very much.
Thank you.
Larry Mills-Gahl