Hi Chuck,
could you elaborate more on the shared formatters thing? Don't Do Stupid Things :-) Which boils down to don't share objects that are not thread-safe, or writable data, at the global level unless you have appropriate protection. Global being either static members or instance variables on your application. Shared, non-thread safe formatters are a common mistake.
we inherited a project that has random (but infrequent) lockups and I found that in the Application.java
first there is an instance variable
private NSNumberFormatter millionsFormatter;
then a lazy initialization in the accessor method:
public NSNumberFormatter millionsFormatter() { if (millionsFormatter ==null) { millionsFormatter = new NSNumberFormatter(); millionsFormatter.setPattern("###,##0.00"); millionsFormatter.setDecimalSeparator(","); millionsFormatter.setThousandSeparator("."); } return millionsFormatter; }
Could this approach be one of the causes of the lockups? The app runs in multithreaded mode and there are tons of components with WOStrings bound to this formatter...