Hi Ray
Using your info, may be these are the changes you need:
Declare this integer in java file:
int movieIndex;
in wod:
repeat : WORepetition {
list = Movies;
index = movieIndex;
movieView : WOString {
value = movieViewToShow;
In the java file, declare something like this:
public String movieViewToShow(){
String movieTitleChanged=null;
Movie movieToCheck = (Movie)Movies.objectAtIndex(ui.index);
if ((movieToCheck !=null) && (...do your validation ...))
movieTitleChanged=movieToCheck.title() + "Add more info .." ;
return (movieTitleChanged!=null) ? movieTitleChanged : movieToCheck
I am not familiar with AjaxInPlaceEditor yet, however don't think it will
affect the above code.
Cheong Hee
----- Original Message -----
From: email@hidden
To: Cheong Hee (Gmail) ; WebObjects webobjects-dev
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Using AjaxInPlaceEditor in WORepetition
Hi Hee
Hope I get it right and may be this is what you need. To manupulate the
string for each iterative object in an array, you could set the index of
WORepetition to an integer.
Then before display the string, check the objectAtIndex of the array and
decide if the the string is to alter accordingly for that object.
==> If the string I have declared is the same for all objects and if I
want to give information about object at "index+1".
The string I put in object at "index" will take value of string of object
at "index +1". So if I check the string of object at "index" and I see
it's modify because object at "index+1"
give it another information of string. I can't hold this string for the
object at "index" because there is one variable which loop.
example :
java class :
String critical
NSArray<Movie> Movies;
Movie movieRepetition;
public void saveInPlaceEditor () {
Html :
<webobject name="repeat">
<td><webobject name="movieView"/></td>
<td><webobject name="criticalEditor"/></td>
repeat : WORepetition {
list = Movies;
index = movieRepetition;
movieView : WOString {
value = movieRepetition.title;
criticalEditor : AjaxInPlaceEditor {
value = critical;
action = saveInPlaceEditor;
----- Original Message -----
From: email@hidden
To: Theodore Petrosky ; WebObjects webobjects-dev
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 2:48 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Using AjaxInPlaceEditor in WORepetition
Hi Ted,
if you have a list (an array) to create the objects in the repetition,
then each object will have an attribute (string) to use for the binding of
the in place editor.
==> I have an array to create the objects in repetition but each object
don't have an attribute string. I created independent
variable which give an information about theses objects in the loop (that
mean each object have the "same variable" for the editor and it's my
There is another way to use the InPlaceEditor in the loop without using
the same variable for each object?
Message du : 31/07/2011
De : "Theodore Petrosky " <email@hidden>
A : "WebObjects webobjects-dev" <email@hidden>,
Copie à :
Sujet : Re: Re: Using AjaxInPlaceEditor in WORepetition
I am lost.
if you have a list (an array) to create the objects in the repetition,
then each object will have an attribute (string) to use for the binding of
the in place editor. Ted --- On Sat, 7/30/11, email@hidden
wrote: From: email@hidden Subject: Re: Re: Using
AjaxInPlaceEditor in WORepetition To: "Theodore Petrosky" , "WebObjects
webobjects-dev" Date: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 3:52 PM Hi Ted, Thanks for
your quick reply but in my case the editor is not bound to the
item.variable. The variable is not an item but a simple String. Let me
explain, in the repetition I have item.variable and for each
item.variable, I have an information to give.So the table have 2 columns,
one for item.variable and the second is a variable string for the editor.
So when for the first item.variable I give an information, this
information is apply for all item.variable because there is one variable
bound to the editor which loop for each item.variable. So I want to know
if there is another to do it or how to fix it. Ray
======================================== Message du : 30/07/2011 De :
"Theodore Petrosky " A : email@hidden Copie à :
email@hidden Sujet : Re: Using AjaxInPlaceEditor in WORepetition
It sounds like it is giving you exactly what you are asking for. a
WORepetition with the same piece of data on every line. I have a table
with a repetition and the editor is bound the the item.variable of the
line with no problem. a string ImageEditInPlace : AjaxInPlaceEditor {
value = theGridItem.image; submitOnBlur = true; okButton = false;
cancelLink = false; action = saveAfterLeavingInPlaceEditor; size = "15";
clickToEditText ="HeadLine"; editClass="editInPlaceClass"; } Ted
> ------------------------------ > > Message: 8 > Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2011
18:58:20 +0200 (CEST) > From: email@hidden > Subject: Using
AjaxInPlaceEditor in WORepetition > To: WebObjects webobjects-dev >
Message-ID: > <18747875.180751312045100987.JavaMail.www@wsfrf1217> >
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" > > Hi, > > > I have a little
problem with AjaxInPlaceEditor in a > WORepetition. The Problem is the
variable I declared for > AjaxInPlaceEditor. > In the WORepetition I have
the same variable in each line > of the repetition and when I choose in
example line 2 and > edit it and put an information, > the same
information is repeat on all other line. > > > So How can I fix it? How
can I use an AjaxInPlaceEditor in > a WORepetition with one variable and
isolate it when I edit > a line in the repetition and put an information?
> > > Thanks for your help.
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