Le 2011-08-01 à 08:48, Jon Kleiser a écrit :
I have now found the field for the WOLips properties
file: If I click on the WOLips node itself, not the Build
subnode, then I get a lot of fields where the first one is
for the name of the file and the remaining ones correspond
to the entries in the properties file.
Three of these properties refer to directories that don't
exist on my Mac; they are 'Network Frameworks', 'User
Frameworks', and ' WebObjects Javadoc'. I've tried to empty
the first two, but when I try to build, I get BUILD FAILED
and ".../build.xml:206: The framework 'JavaEOAccess' does
not exist."
You need to adjust the properties for the "multiple
versions of WO" setup, the default WOLips properties assume
the "old" layout. That's one of the things we need to fix...
The values should be like this. They are stored in
~/Library/Application Support/WOLips/wolips.properties
Replace 533 by 543 to get WO 5.4, and replace "bubba" by your
I have also looked at Java->Build Path->Classpath
Variables, and see a variable WEBAPP_LIBS with a value that
ends with "org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/230/1/.cp/lib", but on
my Mac this 230/1/ directory is empty. Is this something I
should fix?