Hey David
Hope this post winds up at the right place.
I set up a delegate class and made a rule for it. I set the rule priority very high. I am using the NavigationController and navigation.plist from the ERModern example. Heavily modified. The navigation tab calls the NavigationController WOComponent for the query which returns queryPageForEntityName(SCHOOL_ADMIN) Prior to including the delegate class the QueryPage for the Entity was controlled by a rule which limited the query criteria. After the inclusion of the delegate class the Query page includes all the criteria ie. the controlling rules no longer fire or have the desired effect. This also affects All the query pages launched from the navigation tabs for all the entities. When the find is initiated-- the datasource is not modified as per the delegate class -- it doesn't seem to be called.
In the delegate class I put the following qualifierFromSenderMethod.
private EOQualifier qualifierFromSender(ERD2WQueryPage sender) { NSMutableArray<Object> args = new NSMutableArray<Object>(); args.addObject(((Session)session()).schoolBoard().boardName()); args.addObject(((Session)session()).school().name()); EOQualifier qual = (EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat( " schoolBoard.boardName = %@ and schools.name = %@ ", args)); ERXAndQualifier finalQual1 = new ERXAndQualifier(new NSArray<EOQualifier>(qual, sender.qualifier())); return finalQual1; }
I couldn't seem to get your suggestion to get happy so I formulated the above to combine the two qualifiers. Any help much appreciated.