Fwd: Programmatically changing database configuration on startup
Fwd: Programmatically changing database configuration on startup
- Subject: Fwd: Programmatically changing database configuration on startup
- From: Paul Dunkler <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 16:56:10 +0100
Sorry, but i forgot to forward the answer on my past question to the whole mailing list.
Here is my answer again for all other people which are investigating the same issue.
> Thank you for the quick help.
> I'm ended up with using the wonder property "dbConfigNameGLOBAL". By doing that i can use the connection profiles i've configured before in the EOModeler and don't have to configure the connection parameters in another property-file.
> For all other people who are currently investigating about deployment configurations, this wiki entry may be interesting:
> http://wiki.objectstyle.org/confluence/display/WONDER/Best+Practices-Properties+Files
> Am 28.02.2011 um 15:21 schrieb David LeBer:
>> Yes,
>> If you are using Wonder you can configure your db connection dictionaries in properties:
>> <http://wiki.objectstyle.org/confluence/display/WO/Project+Wonder+Properties+Files>
>> Look at the source for <http://wonder.sourceforge.net/javadoc/er/extensions/ERXConfigurationManager.html> if you want to see how it's done.
>> On 2011-02-28, at 9:12 AM, Paul Dunkler wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> we are currently trying to make our deployment work nice.
>>> A problem we currently have is, that we have different database connection configurations in the EOModel of our Application (one for deployment and one for local testing).
>>> Now the question is if it is possible to change these configuration automatically on startup of our application instead of activating/deactivating the profiles through WOLips. Or maybe "Deployment Profile" would help us on this way?
>>> Please share your experiences about changing from local to deployment environments with your WO-Applications.
>>> --
>>> Best Regards
>>> Paul Dunkler
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>> ;david
>> --
>> David LeBer
>> Codeferous Software
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>> --
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>> http://tacow.org
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Paul Dunkler

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Paul Dunkler

XYRALITY GmbH • Lerchenstraße 28a • 22767 Hamburg
Paul Dunkler • Softwareentwickler
Mail: email@hidden
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