Re: JasperReport LocalDate question
Re: JasperReport LocalDate question
- Subject: Re: JasperReport LocalDate question
- From: Kieran Kelleher <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 08:13:54 -0500
JR is looking for a java.util.Date because in the iReport template you have defined a field as a java.util.Date.
First, sorry, but the API compatible example is not yet committed to Wonder. Long story short, I have been too busy with my work, but it is still on my TO DO list and I am feeling anxious (aka., motivated) to get it done as soon as I get a chance which may be sooner rather than later. Meanwhile the original pre-Wonder framework and working example are still available in the SVN repository and can be checked out into a separate workspace for playing with and learning.
OK, now back to your problem. Your problem is easily solvable by using the Joda class for your field definition inside your iReport template.
To find out how, just go to the JasperReports video at about 39 minutes in and listen to the discussion about NSTimestamp, which iReport knows nothing about either. In the video, it shows you how to add apple Foundation classes to iReports classpath so that you can use NSTimestamp in your report template as a field class definition. Use the same procedure to add the JodaTime jar to the iReport classpath and thenuse the LocalDate class for the 'Field Class' in the field Properties settings in iReport.
To help you get concepts, note also the discussion about BigDecimal and class cast exception around 42:15 on the video timeline.
HTH, Kieran
PS. The fact that we *don't have to* use NSTimestamp and that we can use java.util.Date as a field class type insdie iReport is because NSTimestamp EXTENDS java.util.Date.
On Jan 31, 2011, at 6:57 AM, Theodore Petrosky wrote:
> Paul,
> Thank you for looking at my attempts.
> I am using the JasperReports example that Kieran Kelleher created for WOWODC 2010 as my starting point. It is helpful not only for the beginning steps for integrating JR but figuring out iReport to create the report templates.
> He mentions in the presentation that there will be a fuller example committed to Wonder and perhaps this issue is already addressed. However, in the meantime, I will continue reading the limited documentation on JasperReports and follow the code to see if I can figure out why I get this error.
> Of course if I just forget about the date resolution issue and use timestamps the issue goes away, but I have to deal with my app refusing to work when I switch platforms. So I could spend the time learning the methods of getting around the Java dateTime issues.
> Thanks again.
> Ted
> --- On Mon, 1/31/11, Paul Hoadley <email@hidden> wrote:
>> From: Paul Hoadley <email@hidden>
>> Subject: Re: JasperReport LocalDate question
>> To: "Theodore Petrosky" <email@hidden>
>> Cc: "WebObjects-Dev Mailing List List" <email@hidden>
>> Date: Monday, January 31, 2011, 3:52 AM
>> On 31/01/2011, at 12:01 AM, Theodore
>> Petrosky wrote:
>>> So my attempt is to add into LocalDate the extends
>> like this:
>>> public class LocalDate extends java.util.Date
>> implements ReadablePartial, Comparable<Object>
>>> {
>>> }
>> I don't think you need or want to do this. I don't
>> think your LocalDate wrapper (which, for those who haven't
>> looked at Henrique's example, just extends java.lang.Object,
>> implements ReadablePartial, Comparable<Object>, and
>> contains a private field of type org.joda.time.LocalDate)
>> should be a subclass of Date, which is a full-resolution
>> timestamp type.
>>> but then there is an error:
>>> - The interface Comparable cannot be implemented more
>> than once with different arguments: Comparable<Date>
>> and
>> Comparable<Object>
>>> so I checked the docs on java.util.Date:
>>> public class Date
>>> extends Object
>>> implements Serializable, Cloneable,
>> Comparable<Date>
>>> so he implements Comparable<Date> but LocalDate
>> had Comparable<Object>.
>>> I hate this stuff. So I deleted Comparable from
>> LocalDate and now there is an error with a method:
>>> Name clash: The method compareTo(Object) of type
>> LocalDate has the same erasure as compareTo(T) of type
>> Comparable<T> but does
>>> not override it
>>> I made the executive decision to comment out the
>> compareTo() method in LocalDate.
>>> And to my complete surprise, it works.
>> Unfortunately, that's likely to be just some good
>> luck. It may well work in this case, but it doesn't
>> seem right to me (or necessary). I would go back and
>> ask why JasperReports is _expecting_ to be able to cast some
>> value to a Date.
>> --
>> Paul.
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